APPENDIX 5Due to mathematical rounding, some totals or percentages may slightly differ from the values of the separate figures ENVIRONMENTAL PERFORMANCE

Air Emissions
Total air emissions (including key emissions) – Steel production thousand tonnes 396.22 381.57 370.69 -10.88 -2.9 Total Air Emissions – Emissions excluding Coal emissions and CH4
Total air emissions (including key emissions) – Coal thousand tonnes 403.19 429.69 409.65 -20.05 -4.7 Total Coal Air Emissions — including CH4 (98% of total coal emissions)
Key Air emissions thousand tonnes 128.13 121.30 110.79 -10.51 -8.7 Key Air emissions: Steel and Coal
  • SOx
thousand tonnes 45.38 45.11 41.62 -3.49 -7.7 Sulfur dioxide (SO2)
  • NOx
thousand tonnes 28.85 25.52 25.16 -0.36 -1.4 Sum of Nitric oxides (NOx) as nitrogen dioxide (NO2)
  • Dust
thousand tonnes 52.44 49.25 42.58 -6.67 -13.5 Sum of PM10 and PM25
  • VOC
thousand tonnes 1.45 1.42 1.44 0.02 1.4 Volatile organic compounds
CO thousand tonnes 272.91 265.53 265.93 0.40 0.2 Carbon Monoxide (CO)
CH4 thousand tonnes 397.78 425.16 404.24 -20.92 -4.9 CH4 disclosed in greenhouse gas emissions (in million tonnes CO2e)
Other thousand tonnes 3.09 1.49 1.55 0.06 4.0 excl. CH4, see “Greenhouse Gases”
Greenhouse Gases
GHG Scope 1 Million tonnes CO2e 40.76Data for 2019 Scope 2 presented in the current Report differs from the data for 2019 Scope 2 presented in the Sustainability Report 2020 due to the following reasons: improved data quality (elimination of double counting for coke stripping at NTMK, inclusion of methane emissions from surface coal mining: +0.26 MtCO2eq), GWP change to potentials from IPCC 5th Assessment Report (+1.43 MtCO2eq). 41.21Data for 2020 Scope 2 presented in the current Report differs from the data for 2020 Scope 2 presented in the Sustainability Report 2020 due to the following reasons: improved data quality (exclusion of double counting for coke stripping at NTMK, inclusion of methane emissions from surface coal mining +0.28 MtCO2eq), change in GWP to potentials from the IPCC 5th Assessment Report (+1.45 MtCO2eq). 40.17 -1.04 -2.5 Direct GHG emissions; sum of CO2 equivalent of CO2, CH4, N2O, PFC, HFC, SF6 and NF3 Direct GHG emissions are emissions from sources that are owned or controlled by EVRAZ
CO2 Million tonnes CO2e 28.22 28.06 27.55 -0.51 -1.8 Carbon dioxide (CO2) Direct CO2 emissions from operations were calculated using the carbon balance method for carbon flows within production facilities, including fuel use. Emissions of other GHGs were calculated based on measured volumes, inventory changes or IPCC 2006 factors and models (including for post-mining coal methane emissions) where direct measurement data were not available.
CH4 Million tonnes CO2e 12.48 13.09 12.57 -0.52 -4.0 CO2 equivalent of methane (CH4) emission
N2O Million tonnes CO2e 0.06 0.05 0.06 0.01 6.1 CO2 equivalent of nitrous oxide (N2O) emission
PFC and HFC Million tonnes CO2e 0.00002 0.00012 0.00003 0.00 -77.1 CO2 equivalent of hydrofluorocarbons & perfluorocarbons emissions
SF6 Million tonnes CO2e - - - - - CO2 equivalent of sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) emissions
NF3 Million tonnes CO2e - - - - - CO2 equivalent of nitrogen trifluoride (NF3) emissions
GHG Scope 2 Million tonnes CO2e 2.38Data for total fresh water intake for production needs in the current Report differs from the data in the Sustainability Report 2020 due to the following reasons: the volume of fresh water for enterprise needs mistakenly included recycled water, which is used by Kuznetskaya CPP for production needs, and the volumes of recycled water were excluded 2.27 1.96 -0.31 -13.7 Indirect GHG emissions from consumption of purchased electricity, heat or steam Scope 2 emissions are emissions associated with the generation of electricity, heating/ cooling, or steam purchased by EVRAZ assets for own consumption. Scope 2 emissions were estimated using emission factors specifically developed for the country or region, if available, or otherwise factors provided by UK Defra or given in National Inventory Reports.
Total GHG Million tonnes CO2e 43.14 43.48 42.13 -1.35 -3.1 Calculation perimeter includes the following subsidiaries:
GHG Steel Segment Million tonnes CO2e 28.22 28.2 27.11 -1.09 -3.9 EVRAZ NTMK, EVRAZ KGOK, EVRAZ ZSMK, Evrazruda, EVRAZ Vanady Tula, EVRAZ Caspian Steel, EVRAZ Nikom
Scope 1 Million tonnes CO2e 26.84 26.86 26.14 -0.72 -2.7
Scope 2 Million tonnes CO2e 1.38 1.34 0.97 -0.37 -27.2
GHG Steel NA Segment Million tonnes CO2e 1.42 1.22 1.34 0.12 10.5 RAZ Calgary, EVRAZ Camrose, EVRAZ Portland, EVRAZ Pueblo, EVRAZ Red Deer, EVRAZ Regina
Scope 1 Million tonnes CO2e 0.77 0.63 0.72 0.09 13.7
Scope 2 Million tonnes CO2e 0.65 0.59 0.63 0.04 7.0
GHG Coal Segment Million tonnes CO2e 12.61 14.07 13.67 -0.40 -2.8 Raspadskaya Coal Company, Mezhegeyugol and Yuzhkuzbassugol
Scope 1 Million tonnes CO2e 13.15 13.72 13.32 -0.40 -2.9
Scope 2 Million tonnes CO2e 0.35 0.35 0.36 0.01 3.0
GHG per t of steel cast tCO2e per tonne of steel cast 1.94 1.95 1.90 -0.05 -2.5
GHG per net revenue kg CO2e / US$ 3.62 4.46 2.98 -1.48 -33.2
GHG Steel Segment kg CO2e / US$ 3.47 4.05 2.66 -1.39 -34.2
GHG Steel NA Segment kg CO2e / US$ 0.57 0.68 0.58 -0.10 -15.4
GHG Coal Segment kg CO2e / US$ 6.68 9.44 5.89 -3.55 -37.6
Water Management
Total fresh water intake for production needsData for total fresh water intake for production needs in the current Report differs from the data in the Sustainability Report 2020 due to the following reasons: the volume of fresh water for enterprise needs mistakenly included recycled water, which is used by Kuznetskaya CPP for production needs, and the volumes of recycled water were excluded million m3 201.7 202.79 196.22 -6.57 -3.2 Excluded the volumes of recycled water that are used by the Kuznetsky concentrator for production purposes.
surface water sources million m3 175.03 176.60 170.18 -6.42 -3.6
ground water million m3 9.20 8.99 8.86 -0.13 -1.4
seawater million m3 - - - - -
public network million m3 16.19 15.54 15.47 -0.07 -0.4
other sources million m3 1.28 1.65 1.70 0.05 3.1
Mine and quarry water usage for production needs million m3 21.22 24.29 20.57 -3.72 -15.3
mine water million m3 13.70 15.45 14.97 -0.48 -3.1
quarry water million m3 7.52 8.83 5.60 -3.23 -36.6
Steel segment: fresh water intake for production needs million m3 164.66 162.22 155.04 -7.18 -4.4 EVRAZ NTMK, EVRAZ ZSMK, EVRAZ Vanady Tula, EVRAZ Caspian Steel, EVRAZ Nikom, EVRAZ Inc. NA (including EVRAZ Portland, EVRAZ Pueblo), EVRAZ Inc. NA Canada (including EVRAZ Camrose, EVRAZ Red Deer, EVRAZ Calgary, EVRAZ Regina)
surface water sources mln m3 148.05 145.72 138.59 -7.13 -4.9
ground water mln m3 4.74 4.83 4.83 -0.01 -0.1
seawater mln m3 - - - - -
public network mln m3 10.78 10.23 10.34 0.11 1.1
other sources mln m3 1.09 1.44 1.28 -0.16 -11.0
Iron Ore: fresh water intake for production needs mln m3 32.13 36.02 36.61 0.59 1.6 EVRAZ KGOK, Evrazruda
surface water sources mln m3 26.86 30.80 31.46 0.66 2.2
ground water mln m3 0.54 0.55 0.56 0.01 1.1
seawater mln m3 - - - - -
public network mln m3 4.72 4.65 4.42 -0.23 -5.0
other sources mln m3 0.01 0.01 0.17 0.16 1,334.1
Mine and quarry water usage for production needs 8.84 9.91 6.70 -3.21 -32.4
mine water mln m3 1.88 1.64 1.64 0.00 -0.1
quarry water mln m3 6.95 8.27 5.06 -3.21 -38.9
Coal segment: fresh water intake for production needs mln m3 4.9 4.55 4.57 0.02 0.5 Raspadskaya Coal Company, Mezhegeyugol
surface water sources mln m3 0.13 0.09 0.13 0.04 51.3
ground water mln m3 3.91 3.60 3.47 -0.13 -3.5
seawater mln m3 - - - - -
public network mln m3 0.69 0.66 0.71 0.05 8.0
other sources mln m3 0.17 0.2 0.26 0.05 26.5
Mine and quarry water usage for production needs 12.39 14.38 13.87 -0.51 -3.5
mine water mln m3 11.82 13.81 13.33 -0.48 -3.5
quarry water mlnm3 0.57 0.57 0.54 -0.03 -3.9
Fresh water withdrawal intensity m3 / tonne of steel cast 11.92 11.90 11.43 -0.47 -4.0
Fresh water withdrawal intensityData for fresh water withdrawal intensity in the current Report differs from the data in the Sustainability Report 2020 due to the following reasons: because of changes in fresh water withdrawal data, the "Fresh water withdrawal intensity" indicator has also changed and the "US$ revenue" indicator was used for the correction of calculations. m3 / US$ thousand revenue 16.94 20.79 13.86 -6.90 -32.2
Water recycled for use in own operations % 93.3 93.3 93.6 0.30 0.3 п.п.
Total water discharge into water bodies mln m3 125.91 125.26 121.49 -3.77 -3.0
Steel segment mln m3 68.90 68.58 63.48 -5.10 -7.4 EVRAZ NTMK, EVRAZ ZSMK, EVRAZ Vanady Tula, EVRAZ Caspian Steel, EVRAZ Nikom, EVRAZ Inc. NA (including EVRAZ Portland, EVRAZ Pueblo), EVRAZ Inc. NA Canada (including EVRAZ Camrose, EVRAZ Red Deer, EVRAZ Calgary, EVRAZ Regina)
Iron Ore mln m3 12.86 12.47 10.84 -1.63 -13.1 EVRAZ KGOK, Evrazruda
Coal segment mln m3 44.15 44.21 47.18 2.97 6.7 Raspadskaya Coal Company, Mezhegeyugol
Waste & By-product Management
Non-mining waste & by-product generation k.ton 8,445.4 8,651.4 8,561.4 -90.00 -1.0
Metallurgical by-product generation k.ton 6,829.6 6,406.9 6,262.5 -144.40 -2.3
General waste k.ton 1,615.7 2,244.5 2,298.9 54.40 2.4
non-hazardous waste generation k.ton 1,547.4 2,188 2,172.7 -15.30 -0.7
hazardous waste generation k.ton 68.3 56.6 126.2 69.60 123.1
Non-mining waste & by-product recycled k.ton 8,881.2 8,886.1 8,987.6 101.50 1.1
Non-mining waste & by-product non-recycled k.ton 661.6 751.0 837.9 86.9 11.6
Non-mining waste recycling or re-use rate % 105.2 102.7 105.0 2.30 2.3 п.п.
Mining waste k.ton 198,827.7 135,625.3 187,131.0 51,505.70 38.0
Mining waste used k.ton 75,467.9 38,634.1 57,828.4 19,194.30 49.7
Mining waste recycling or re-use rate % 38.0 28.5 30.9 2.40 2.4 п.п.
Environmental Management
Environmental commitments $M 198.6 226.2 197.5 -28.70 -12.7 A documented and approved by regulator liability to perform corrective actions to comply with environmental requirements applicable to a specific facility Exchange rate as of December 31 of the report year.
Environmental Liabilities (Site Restoration Provisions) $M 342  296 200 -96.00 -32.4 Asset Retirement Obligation - is a legal obligation associated with the retirement of a tangible long-lived asset (i.e. remediation work such as land rehabilitation, removing underground fuel storage tanks, cleanup, etc.). The amount of Environmental Liabilities is calculated using discounted amounts of future cash flows and disclosed in the Financial Statements as Site restoration provision. Exchange rate as of December 31 report year
Environmental Levies and Fines for Non-compliance $M 5.0 5.8In the current Report adjustment of environmental non-compliance fee in 2020 was made based on the results of reconciliation with Rosprirodnadzor. 3.1 -2.70 -47.3
Cost of environmental compliance $M 30.3 32.9 30.5 -2.40 -7.1
Investments to improve environmental performance $M 28.8 56.9 71.2 14.30 25.0
Material environmental incidents cases - - - - -
Public complaints cases 31 11 10 -1.00 -9.1
Compliance with REACH requirements cases of non-compliance - - - - -