Personnel profile
GRI 102-7As of 31 December 2021, EVRAZ had a total of 71,591 employees – a rise of 2.7% compared to 2020.
GRI 102-8
GRI 102-8
Employee turnover
GRI 401-1In 2021, staff turnover rates increased compared to 2020. Nevertheless, the Group reached its recruitment goals in the reporting period.
Human rights and diversity
SASB EM-MM-210a.3EVRAZ complies with international human rights laws and policies. All the Company’s activities related to human resources are governed by our Employee Business Conduct Policy, Diversity and Inclusion Policy, Human Rights Policy, and other internal documents ensuring compliance. We take the process of contracting with partners seriously, hence we carefully observe that our partners respect human rights and business ethics standards. All our contracts with partners include sections covering the prevention of corruption and human trafficking.
The Group’s managerial and operational functions oversee the implementation of the Human Rights Policy and report to the Board of Directors. To reduce risks of violations and non-compliance with international legislation in the field of human rights, the treatment of our employees is monitored by third parties, such as representatives from Russia’s Presidential Council for Civil Society and Human Rights and unions, including both trade unions active in Company’s operations and regional and federal associations of union. We also undergo due diligence to understand the human rights risks involved in our processes and operations and take appropriate actions if necessary.
EVRAZ is convinced that a diversity of our workforce plays a vital role in improving productivity and achieving a better professional performance. Our Diversity and Inclusion Policy expresses zero tolerance towards any kind of discrimination. The Group pays considerable attention to inclusion and seeks to create a positive and diverse environment across all divisions and enterprises. We also comply with government regulations and follow the quota system for the employment of people with disabilities. In 2021, we hired 30 people of this social category.
The relatively low percentage of women among our employees is a factor of the industry that EVRAZ operates in – there are certain legislative restrictions related to women working in hazardous conditions. However, we strive to do our utmost to ensure diversity and support women by allocating various positions, including board positions, and providing relevant social benefits such as financial support for childcare.
GRI 408-1, 409-1Our Company is committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion, which is why we do not tolerate any kind of discrimination based on gender, social status, disabilities, or any other factors. When choosing a candidate, only their professional skills and qualities are considered. We believe that building a diverse environment is key for driving inclusion across the business and improving productivity. All forms of slavery (known as modern slavery), such as child labour and forced labour, are strictly prohibited across all the EVRAZ subsidiaries and their suppliers. No assets of the Group are associated with significant risks of using child or forced labour. In 2021 zero cases of using child or forced labour were registered in the Company’s operations.